1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
| _main: ; CODE XREF: ___tmainCRTStartup+2C3↑p .text:00401620 ; DATA XREF: _mainCRTStartup_0+6A↓o .text:00401620 push ebp .text:00401621 mov ebp, esp .text:00401623 xor eax, eax .text:00401625 xor edx, edx .text:00401627 mov eax, large fs:30h .text:0040162D mov al, [eax+2] .text:00401630 mov dl, al .text:00401632 cmp al, 0 .text:00401634 jnz short _d .text:00401634 .text:00401636 jmp $+5 .text:00401636 .text:0040163B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:0040163B .text:0040163B _G: ; CODE XREF: .text:00401636↑j .text:0040163B xor eax, eax .text:0040163D xor edx, edx .text:0040163F mov eax, large fs:30h .text:00401645 mov al, [eax+68h] .text:00401648 mov dl, al .text:0040164A cmp al, 0 .text:0040164C jnz short _d .text:0040164C .text:0040164E rdtsc .text:00401650 mov ebx, eax .text:00401652 push ecx .text:00401653 pop ecx .text:00401654 add edi, edi .text:00401656 sub edi, edi .text:00401658 push esi .text:00401659 pop esi .text:0040165A add ecx, ecx .text:0040165C sub ecx, ecx .text:0040165E push esi .text:0040165F pop esi .text:00401660 add edi, edi .text:00401662 sub edi, edi .text:00401664 push ecx .text:00401665 pop ecx .text:00401666 add ecx, ecx .text:00401668 sub ecx, ecx .text:0040166A add edi, edi .text:0040166C sub edi, edi .text:0040166E push esi .text:0040166F pop esi .text:00401670 rdtsc .text:00401672 sub eax, ebx .text:00401674 cmp eax, 3E8h .text:00401679 jg short _d .text:00401679 .text:0040167B jmp _n .text:0040167B .text:00401680 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00401680 .text:00401680 _d: ; CODE XREF: .text:00401634↑j .text:00401680 ; .text:0040164C↑j .text:00401680 ; .text:00401679↑j .text:00401680 push offset __data_start__ ; "Looks like your doing something naughty"... .text:00401685 call _printf .text:00401685 .text:0040168A add esp, 4 .text:00401690 mov esp, ebp .text:00401692 pop ebp .text:00401693 retn .text:00401693 .text:00401694 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00401694 .text:00401694 _n: ; CODE XREF: .text:0040167B↑j .text:00401694 push offset m1 ; "I heard you like bugs so I put bugs in "... .text:00401699 call _printf .text:00401699 .text:0040169E add esp, 4 .text:004016A4 push offset m2 ; "Seriously though try and find the flag,"... .text:004016A9 call _printf .text:004016A9 .text:004016AE add esp, 4 .text:004016B4 xor eax, eax .text:004016B6 mov eax, 6A253E2Dh .text:004016BB push eax .text:004016BC jmp $+5 .text:004016BC .text:004016C1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:004016C1 .text:004016C1 _lol: ; CODE XREF: .text:004016BC↑j .text:004016C1 sub eax, 560C29FCh .text:004016C6 push eax .text:004016C7 jmp $+5 .text:004016C7 .text:004016CC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:004016CC .text:004016CC _yaya: ; CODE XREF: .text:004016C7↑j .text:004016CC and eax, 41414141h .text:004016D1 and eax, 3E3E3E3Eh .text:004016D6 mov eax, 6A253E2Dh .text:004016DB sub eax, 49FD1BF4h .text:004016E0 push eax .text:004016E1 jmp $+5 .text:004016E1 .text:004016E6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:004016E6 .text:004016E6 _lala: ; CODE XREF: .text:004016E1↑j .text:004016E6 xor eax, eax .text:004016E8 mov eax, 6A253E2Dh .text:004016ED sub eax, 2B1124FFh .text:004016F2 push eax .text:004016F3 jmp $+5 .text:004016F3 .text:004016F8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:004016F8 .text:004016F8 _dsfghtgf: ; CODE XREF: .text:004016F3↑j .text:004016F8 and eax, 41414141h .text:004016FD and eax, 3E3E3E3Eh .text:00401702 mov eax, 6A253E2Dh .text:00401707 sub eax, 5E190004h .text:0040170C push eax .text:0040170D jmp $+5 .text:0040170D .text:00401712 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00401712 .text:00401712 _ertrwe: ; CODE XREF: .text:0040170D↑j .text:00401712 and eax, 41414141h .text:00401717 and eax, 3E3E3E3Eh .text:0040171C mov eax, 6A253E2Dh .text:00401721 add eax, 0DE9D64Dh .text:00401726 push eax .text:00401727 jmp $+5 .text:00401727 .text:0040172C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:0040172C .text:0040172C _kjnjk: ; CODE XREF: .text:00401727↑j .text:0040172C xor eax, eax .text:0040172E mov eax, 6A253E2Dh .text:00401733 sub eax, 2B003419h .text:00401738 push eax .text:00401739 jmp $+5 .text:00401739 .text:0040173E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:0040173E .text:0040173E _qsacb: ; CODE XREF: .text:00401739↑j .text:0040173E and eax, 41414141h .text:00401743 and eax, 3E3E3E3Eh .text:00401748 mov eax, 6A253E2Dh .text:0040174D sub eax, 3E001C06h .text:00401752 push eax .text:00401753 jmp $+5 .text:00401753 .text:00401758 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00401758 .text:00401758 _tftrtftc: ; CODE XREF: .text:00401753↑j .text:00401758 and eax, 41414141h .text:0040175D and eax, 3E3E3E3Eh .text:00401762 mov eax, 6A253E2Dh .text:00401767 sub eax, 42AA050Eh .text:0040176C push eax .text:0040176D jmp $+5 .text:0040176D .text:00401772 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00401772 .text:00401772 _sup: ; CODE XREF: .text:0040176D↑j .text:00401772 push esp .text:00401773 pop esi .text:00401774 xor edx, edx .text:00401776 mov edi, esi .text:00401778 mov edx, edi .text:0040177A cld .text:0040177B mov ecx, 24h ; '$' .text:00401780 mov ebx, 4Bh ; 'K' .text:00401785 xor eax, eax .text:00401787 push eax .text:00401787 .text:00401788 .text:00401788 _l: ; CODE XREF: .text:0040178C↓j .text:00401788 lodsb .text:00401789 xor eax, ebx .text:0040178B stosb .text:0040178C loop _l .text:0040178C .text:0040178E mov esp, ebp .text:00401790 pop ebp .text:00401790 .text:00401791